Friday, March 28, 2008

Life is fragile

We'll guys we did it. We went up to Primary Childrens today and met with Taje's doctor. Dr. Gooch. I talked to her about the botox and she said for 17 years there has been no concerns from her practice. She stated that when the FDA came out and made their comment on Botox, she became concerned and got in contact with the FDA and became aware of the 6 children who died. She stated that the kids who passed away were in a very fragile stated and it has not been confirmed if Botox had any relation to their deaths. Since that initial FDA report, they have since come out and stated that no change needs to be made with the way that Botox is being used for kids with Cerebral Palsy and they will continue with the investigation as to find out the reason for those kids deaths. Taje recieved four injections today and we will continue to work with him and hope and pray that he continues to improve.

Recently, I have been reminded that life is fragile. Our Heavenly Father has intrusted these little spirits to us and it is our responsiblities, as parents, to do a good job. Sometimes, as parents, we are hit with tragedy. (I have never experienced so much pain then when I know my kids are in pain for will have to suffer.) I have learned recently of my friends passing away, children of my friends, and parents of my friends. All I can say is; I'm so sorry for your pain! 15 year ago one of my friends was in an auto accident and died. The year before he died he was the president of our seminary council in high school. He chose the scripture Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the lord with all thine heart. That scripture has taken me through my life and I know it to be true. I know that for what ever reason those spirits that have been intrusted to us must go back to our Heavenly Father. It is painful because we are left on earth wondering what we could have done better and we miss them.... In the end, have faith... All will be well.

1 comment:

James and Jade Bethers said...


Wow I am glad to hear that Taje got his treatments. They do so much for him. It has been neat to see how much he has grown and delveloped in the last couple of years. It is cool that he said he was going to be brave! He is such a sweetheart and he is so funny! I love your blog!