Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am NOT a NUT

Tonight, my lovely husband decided to take me on a date. Oh yea... It was my idea. Well as we were sitting at dinner(I must have zoned out)and my husband asked, "What are you thinking about?" I blurted out, "Cortical Blindness" My husband seemed dumb struck and stated out loud... "Who thinks of Cortical Blindness at dinner or at all?" Well guys, earlier this week I had been to a meeting discussing the topic so the topic was on my mind.. So I'm not nuts, Right???

p.s. I don't think he will ever let me live it down.


James and Jade Bethers said...

Only You!

nataliejustin said...

Thats pretty funny! I love it when other people do silly things. It keeps things balanced, helps me feel almost normal.

DixieJo said...

Thou may need thy head examined.
only teasing you -

Alec starts conversations all the time with "And then I..." and I have no idea what he is talking about until he says, was the first part of the conversation in my head?

So really, I am not surprised to have someone blurt out random things! :)

Natalie said...

Ha Ha Ha!