These are some pictures of the kids opening their presents on Christmas day. It was a ton of fun and the kids loved their presents. After we opened presents we went into the kitchen for Christmas Breakfast. (Waffles, eggs, sausage, and bacon... Can't forget the O.J.)
Remi just started a Ballroom Dance Class, it was fun to watch her dance with her partner Tyler to Christmas Music!!!
Jacey is in Hip Hop and can't wait for the dance to be over. She is so embarrassed by the dance costume. (She says it's too immodest.)
Sabe came to me the other night, BEGGING!!! Not to go to school. (I almost gave in!!) Sabe, explained to me that he had to do a Egyptian Musical and he was so embarrassed because he had to wear a toga to school. Sabe stated, "Mom, it's bad enough that it is ruining our ego's!!" I replied back by saying, "You mean self esteem???" He replied back saying, "I'm just going to DIE!!!!"
Jacey and Remi got to perform at a Care Center for the Elderly. It was a wonderful experience for them and I think they really enjoyed it. It was fun for them to share their talents with others. Sabe also had a Piano recital, but I forgot to bring the Camera!! (Sorry!)
Oh my gosh this is all so cute!! I wish I lived closer, I'd come see all this. Its just all too cute!!!
Talk about busy mom! your kids are so cute! I hope you had a Merry Christmas!
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